"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Celebrating Hannah!!!!

Happy birthday to the sweetest four year old I know!  Look how tall she's getting!  And so grown up!  She tried really hard to help me get her pics this day.  We put a little piece of masking tape down on the floor and she was very into standing on that tape.  lol.  We got tons of cheesy smiles...but with a little persistence (and about 150 shots) we got some natural smiles too.  As much as she tries to cooperate, it cracks me up that she still doesn't quite understand what it means to look at the camera.  She turns her head toward the camera, but her eyes will be looking up or off to the side.  I really believe she THINKS she is looking....but not so much! Ha ha!  Oh...and you should have seen my living room!  Hannah is standing where our Christmas tree is.  Yep...Jenny and I scooted that thing (fully decorated) across the room so Hannah could stand in the spot with the best light.  It's called ghetto studio.  Ha ha! 

But all that aside...I would be truly negligent if I didn't write about how special this little peanut is!  She has her moments, like any 4 year old, but she is so sensitive and kind.  Abigail does not always want to give hugs and kisses, so if Hannah senses that someone is disappointed about that, she pipes up with "I'll give you a kiss, Grammy!"  When she learned that our birthdays are just 4 days apart she asked her mom if I would have a cake too.  When Jenny said no, Hannah offered to share her cake with me.  I often catch her doing little thoughtful things like laying out Abigail's diaper changing things before we get her from her nap.  She gives the sweetest hugs and kisses, makes up the most adorable stories, and notices EVERY little detail around her.  She has been a joy from the moment we first learned she was expected and I love watching her grow and become this wonderful person.  Thank you God for Hannah Grace!

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