"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Senior Recital

Two of my seniors presented a combined solo recital last month...remarkable young women. Both are a joy to me!!!

I'm shooting almost everything manual now, but chickened out this day since it was a special occasion. The only manual pic I took was this one of Charlotte warming up before the recital and it's one of my favorites. Go figure! Charlotte will attend Texas A&M in the fall with a major in Bio-Medical Science. (Go Charlotte!)
I got TONS of hot spots from flash but learned some editing tricks which worked pretty well. In fact, the piano below was pasted from a different pic because we accidentally left the lid closed in this shot with Annie. (What do you think? Can you tell?) Annie will attend Moody Bible Institute to study sacred music and hopes to teach piano later, possibly on the mission field. (Yay Annie!)
Beautiful girls, inside and out, and GORGEOUS cake, huh? Charlotte's boyfriend's mother made it... Every layer a different flavor...chocolate, cherry, vanilla...yummo!
I love seeing "my kids" take off and fly....but, wow!...I will MISS them!


  1. Barb,

    You have a gift with photography and people.

  2. Thank you Greg. What a kind thing to say! I look at my friends' pics who have more experience and all I see are my flaws. :) I appreciate your encouragement!

  3. Great shots. Yes, beautiful girls. These pictures are keepers for sure.

    What an amazing cake! Can't believe that didn't come from a bakery for a small fortune.
